Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Follow the Basics of a Healthy Diet to Reduce Health Risks

Most Americans are aware of the fact that they should make changes in their diet will lower the risk of chronic disease. Scientists estimate that 40 percent of all cancer in men, and 60 percent in women, is related to their diet. Diet has also been related to the development of heart disease. So, what are the nutrients that will reduce those risks?

There are some basic rules you should try to follow in planning your daily diet:

* Keep your total fat intake at or below 30 percent of your total calories.
* Limit your intake of saturated fats to no more than 10 percent of your calories.
* Limit your intake of dietary cholesterol to no more that 300 mg per day.
* Get at least 55 percent of your total calories from carbohydrates - grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.
* Protein should include only 12 to 15 percent of your daily calories and the protein should be low in fat.
* Balance the calories that you eat with the calories you burn in physical activity. The more active you are, the more you can eat.
* Avoid excessive sugar intake; it contributes to tooth decay and many foods high in sugar are also high in fat.
* Limit your sodium to no more than 2,400 mg per day - just a little more than a teaspoon of salt.
* Consume an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals, and try to get them from food instead of from supplements.
* Drink alcohol in moderation.

The best way to achieve these guidelines in your diet is to avoid foods that are high in fat, refined sugar and sodium, and to eat mostly those that are high in complex carbohydrates.

Nutrient and calorie needs vary from person ot person, depending upon their age, sex, body size and their level of physical activity. Most men, for example, need more calories to meet their larger body size.

The nutrition needs of children can vary widely - also according to their age, body size and the amount of exercise they get. Teenagers need at least three servings of calcium high foods such as milk, cheese or yogurt each day. Very young children may have higher nutritional needs that older children.

In the United United States the amount of a particular vitamin or mineral that is needed to keep a body healthy is defined by RDAs or Recommended Dietary Allowances. RDAs are recommendations, not requirements. Each person may need more or less of a particular nutrient. But, these recommendations are assumed to cover the nutritional needs of the majority of people.

Developing healthy eating habits isn't difficult. It just requires choosing foods that offer the best balance of nutrients for your body's needs.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org

Herbs and Spices to the Rescue of Your Health! (Part Two)

There are many herbs and spices that are beneficial to keeping the body functioning at its absolute best. In order to remain as healthy as possible, you should consume as many herbs and spices as possible every day.

Turmeric is a spice that not everyone is familiar with. Turmeric is a yellow spice that is most often to be found in mustards manufactured in the United States. Turmeric is also a staple of many Indian dishes. Turmeric is a healthy spice that has anti-inflammatory properties, and also works as an antioxidant. These properties help turmeric to prevent the development of cancer. Turmeric goes to work to help get rid of the many symptoms that can accompany arthritis, as well as tendonitis, autoimmune disorders and a selection of other disorders that involve any degree of inflammation such as swelling in muscles or joints.

Fresh or dried peppermint is especially beneficial for a number of stomach ailments from heartburn to indigestion to nausea. Peppermint is very soothing to the stomach and entire digestive tract. Studies have shown that it is able to help rid sufferers or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) of many of their symptoms. Peppermint has been shown to be effective in slowing the growth of many types of bacteria and fungi and it is effective as well for those who suffer from respiratory problems, such as asthma and allergies. Peppermint can be brewed as a tea or it can be purchased in pill form. Individuals who suffer on a regular basis from upset stomach or nausea would benefit from the consumption of peppermint in one form or another.

Cayenne pepper, also known as chili pepper, red pepper or paprika is a fiery type of pepper that is used to help several organs. Pepper has been found beneficial in moderating many types of stomach ailments, such as stomach aches related to any number of causes, gas and many different types of heart problems. Cayenne pepper is effective at lowering cholesterol and it improves the circulation of blood and is believed to be beneficial in preventing circulatory disease. Cayenne pepper decreases the possibility that the blood will clot, which can help to prevent deadly blood clots forming, especially after surgery. Cayenne pepper is also beneficial when a person is suffering from a toothache.

The advantages of cayenne pepper do not end there. Cayenne pepper has been shown through research studies to be effective at alleviating migraine headaches. For migraine sufferers the cayenne cream is applied directly to the inside of the nose. Be aware that if you do this you should apply a very small quantity and some people's noses are too sensitive for cayenne. Cayenne pepper can help to improve blood circulation. It can also be applied to the skin topically as a way to alleviate pain connected with rheumatoid arthritis.

The active ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin and this ingredient has found to be effective for those suffering from Fibromylagia. As a cream cayenne can be applied to painful muscles and joints but be aware that sometimes cayenne cream causes a burning sensation on the skin and if it gets into the eyes it can cause some pain.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org

Herbs and Spices to the Rescue of Your Health! (Part One)

When we think of healing foods, we don't always consider herbs and spices. They are the little extras that we often put on our food to give it more seasoning and to make it tastier for everyone at the table.

Put the saltshaker away when you're cooking, as too much salt in the diet can spell disaster for your circulatory system and kidneys. Reach instead for healthy herbs and seasonings to jazz up your next meal and help make you healthier to boot!

Herbs and spices have been used for centuries to treat a variety of health and medical conditions. Examples of these include inflammatory conditions, infections, autoimmune disorders, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and nausea. There is no doubt that when it comes to herbs and spices there are plenty of healing properties you should get to know better.

Garlic has long been used as a folk remedy for many ailments. Garlic is a member of what is called the allium family as it contains a substance called allicin. Other members of this family include onions and scallions.

Research into the benefits of garlic has shown that it is a strong preventative agent against stroke and heart disease. Garlic is also instrumental in lowering high blood pressure. Further studies have shown that garlic is very close to a natural form of antibiotic. Garlic is full of substances that help to detoxify the body and are able to disperse carcinogens that are building in the system.

A number of research studies have shown that a diet rich in garlic helps to lower the total cholesterol rate of an individual, including the bad cholesterol or LDL while at the same time it raises the good HDL cholesterol in the bloodstream. Garlic also fights a great number of bacteria and viruses and therefore helps to prevent infections.

Garlic is associated with a decreased risk of stomach cancer. Research in Italy and China support garlic's beneficial effects. Garlic is best eaten in its raw state. The best way to benefit from garlic is to eat it raw: cut up, sliced up or chopped.

Ginger is a very odd looking substance. It can be found in every produce department, and should be used more for its beneficial effects on health. Ginger works well to calm an upset stomach. Ginger is particularly good to take before embarking on a road trip if you are prone to motion sickness. Ginger snaps and ginger bread are also effective at calming an upset stomach. Pregnant women are often encouraged to eat ginger to reduce the nausea from morning sickness.

Ginger is also believed to be helpful in the fight to lose weight, as it works as a natural dietary aid. The reason it works is that ginger helps to boost the rate in which the body burns calories. This benefit has been borne out in studies conducted by researchers in Australia. When coupled with other spices including rosemary, thyme, oregano and pepper, ginger is excellent in regards to its antioxidant properties and therefore is proficient at fighting cancer.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org

Nutritional Supplements ,Vitamins and Minerals And You

If you eat a healthy diet or supplement your diet with nutritional supplements such as vitamins and minerals, you might not be receiving the nutrients you think you are getting.

You may hear lots of information about the need to get sufficient amounts of vitamins in your daily diet, and to take a vitamin supplement if you aren’t getting those necessary vitamins.

This is one of the most important vitamins for infants, and for example, babies with a B12 deficiency may simply fail to develop normally.
There are a lot of farmers starting to produce organic food in recent years but it will still take a lifetime to be able to get any minerals and vitamins back into the soil.

There are many lies about vitamin supplements, with many people believing that all supplements are beneficial to health, and that you simply can’t get too many vitamins.

But it is true that vitamin nutritional supplements are among the most important things you can do for the general health of your mind and body.

The scientific acknowledgements of the value of vitamin supplements and the convenience of water-soluble, all-natural products bode well for the average consumer, and especially well for dieters.

Case and point,Vitamin C supplements and calcium supplements will help reduce your chances of osteoporosis and provide you with the adequate amount of vitamin C.

Depending on the type of diet and the foods you eat, you may require a multi-vitamin supplement or specific supplements of Vitamin A, B, C, D, E or K. Nutritional supplements can never take the place of food and should not be used as a support to supplement a poor diet.

Those who may need higher levels of vitamin supplements include pregnant and lactating women, people who drink alcohol in amounts over those recommended as safe, drug users and the elderly.

You may hear lots of information about the need to get sufficient amounts of vitamins in your daily diet, and to take a vitamin supplement if you aren’t getting those necessary vitamins.

Most of us are willing to concede the necessity of having a good balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in our daily diet for good health, but many of us speculate if it is necessary to use vitamin pills and other dietary supplements to do this.

Although the need for vitamins and minerals is generally recognized, most people won’t bother to take supplements that would encertain adequate vitamin intake.

There are a lot of farmers starting to produce organic food in recent years but it will still take a lifetime to be able to get any minerals and vitamins back into the soil.

In a survey conducted in 2002, it was found that most Americans take vitamins and minerals supplements because they believe that it is good for their general health and a large majority take it as a dietary supplement.

Digestion is not designed for the break down of vitamins and minerals but simply a method the body uses to transform nutrients into usable substances.

This is one of the most important vitamins for infants, and for example, babies with a B12 deficiency may simply fail to develop normally.

Before you grab up the latest, cutest, most expensive or cheapest vitamins you can find, take a minute to assess what it is that you expect to accomplish. But what if you comprehend that you really aren’t getting the vitamins you need?

Taking quality vitamin nutritional supplements should be about better health and energy, freedom from illness, improved sexual vigor and slowing the aging process.

There are many lies about vitamin supplements, with many people believing that all supplements are beneficial to health, and that you simply can’t get too many vitamins.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org

For ithe best advice on Vitamin Supplements and Vitamins visit our site

Yoga is Good for the Mind AND the Body

Do you know what Yoga can do for your physical, mental and emotional health? Discover the ancient practice of Yoga and get healthy!

If you watch someone practicing yoga, you will notice that they are not straining or breathing heavily and that their face is placid and calm. Perhaps you may even notice that they seem very focused and they are not distracted by what is going on around them.

Yoga classes in the U.S. often focus strictly on the physical aspects of yoga (the asana postures), and there is no doubt that you can benefit from these stretches and postures. They will help to tone and stretch your muscles and keep your body flexible, and they bring live-giving blood and oxygen to every part of your body.

But, the ancient yogic techniques, incorporate breathing and meditation so that your mind and emotions become calm and stress relief happens on more than a physical level.
Yoga meditation and breathing techniques can relieve many of the physical symptoms of stress (palpitations, shortness of breath, insomnia, nervousness and more).

How Yoga accomplish this? Essentially, the total yoga workout (physical, breath and meditation) works on the central nervous system and through that conduit, it lowers blood pressure and evens breathing to take the strain off your body and mind.

Those who suffer from long-term stress are more at risk for heart attack and stroke, and are more likely to have migraine headaches and ulcers, as well.
If you practice yoga regularly you will find that your digestion and gastro-intestinal function will improve, that you will feel calmer, and you are less likely to get every bug or flu that comes along.

Your blood, and the oxygen it carries, can circulate to your organs and supply nourishment to muscles, tendons and brain cells. Your immune system will be stronger and you will sleep better. You will also heal better from injuries, cuts and bruises. Sounds like a lot to accomplish just by some deep breathing, stretching and meditation, doesn't it? But, it is true!

Yoga requires you to enter and remain in an altered state of mind and focus. When you focus your attention on your breathing, you allow problems and other thoughts to pass through your mind and continue on their way, and you remain connected to your body in the here and now. You don't become distracted by other thoughts or stressors. This takes some practice, but it is something that ANYONE can do!

When you relax your breathing and take longer, deeper breaths, you feed your body and help your mind and emotions relax and focus as well. Instead of the short, shallow breath you take when you are under stress or worried, your breathing becomes even and slow and you breath into your abdomen instead of up in your chest.

If you learn and practice the ancient techniques of Yoga to incorporate the asana (physical postures), drishti (mental focus and meditation), and the pranayama (or breathing technique), you will gradually enter a state of balanced health.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org

Secrets of Exceptional Yoga Teachers (Part 1)

Would you like to know a formula for becoming an exceptional Yoga teacher? What separates the exceptional yoga teacher from the "pack?" Here is an itemized formula to become an exceptional and successful Yoga instructor.

Continuing education is part of a Yoga instructor's job description. Although you may teach Yoga, you must accept being a student of Yoga for life. Learn what you can, to benefit your Yoga student's ailments, and when you have time, learn a little bit more. With 5,000 years of documentation behind it, Yoga is like a great mountain where one lifetime will just not be enough to discover everything.

Patience is the next ingredient within an exceptional Yoga teacher. Be patient with yourself, your family, your friends, and your Yoga students. Do not put pressure on anyone unnecessarily. Some Yoga students have to grow into the practice. You might be unknowingly doing the same to yourself or your loved ones. The key is to become aware of it and always be mindful of others.

Take action and understand the laws of cause and effect (Karma). Most of the world takes no action at all, but exceptional Yoga teachers do not "sit on their hands." Just by taking action, you will be a success in life. Great ideas mean nothing without action, but your actions should always help others. It is fine to help yourself, just make sure you are not harming anything in the process.

Compassion is needed to become an exceptional Yoga teacher. You must show compassion for Yoga students and for mankind. Treat everyone possible with loving kindness. When this is impossible avoid negative people who seek pleasure through spreading pessimism, bigotry, hatred, greed, and envy.

Passion for Yoga and for helping other people can be found in most Yoga teachers. The Yoga teacher who just "does it for the money," will not last. If you feel like that, you should find your "real calling," passion, and true desires. Life is too short to waste time doing a job that you dread. Strangely, I have never met a Yoga teacher who regretted teaching Yoga. If I ever find one, I will let you know.

Courage is required to be your own boss. To wake up each morning and go it alone, without someone over your shoulder is a Yoga teacher's life reward. Most of the masses like to be told what to do, but the Yoga teacher makes his or her own hours. There is some responsibility that goes with any business, but every Yoga teacher knows the responsibility is worth it.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org

Yoga Secrets To Improving The Mind And Body

Before you begin to learn yoga you must first decide what you are hoping to learn from yoga. The simple fact is yoga can provide many benefits on the body and mind.

If fitness is the sole aim of why you wish to practice yoga then you will leave your mind closed of to the benefits that it can have on you mentally. If you decide to perform yoga for the sole reason of gaining spiritual enlightenment and the positive effects it can have on you mentally then the fitness aspect may not be exploited to its full potential.

What I would recommend and believe everyone who is interested in taking up this practice is to enter it with an open mind. Learn the basics to yoga first and then as you become more adapt to the postures, poses and mental side that it teaches then and only then will you begin to expand and reap the full benefits of yoga.

Many practitioners of yoga often talk about it uniting the mind, body and spirit through the practice of yoga exercises. I am not saying this is a false statement as I do belive that it can reap those benefits, but many people who enter into yoga for the first time have a perception that they will gain this enlightenment and benefits instantly.

Where as the truth is that it takes many years of practice and dedication to reach these levels. When you start performing yoga for the first time you will begin to notice a difference, but it is essential that you take it a small step at a time. There is a reason that yoga is the oldest existing (what I like to call) mind and body system around, this is due to the fact that it helps to aid in providing a great level fitness, has known health benefits and can help in improving a persons mental state.

One of the main reasons why yoga has such a huge benefit on the body is because it stretches the muscles therefore when you perform a yoga workout it would have a similar effect of a massage which will ensure that the ideal blood supply can be reached by every organ.

The beauty of yoga is that there are many different forms which gives everyone the chance to find what one suits them best. Don't just set your mind on one type of yoga, try out a few different routines, see which one suits you best.

Different forms of yoga can effect different people in many different ways. So make sure to find out which type will provide the maximum benefit on your mind and body. Yoga can be a very strenuous exercise so make sure that you do not push yourself to much when you start of. This can result in an injury. So take your time to build yourself up and when you feel extremely comfortable then begin to push yourself more.

Below are a list of the most common yoga practices

Ashtanga (Also known as power yoga) - Perfect for the person who wants a very hard workout session. It concentrate less on meditation and more on tough physical exercise.

Iyengar - This is a classical form of yoga and is seen as the best starting block for beginners. Many props are used in this yoga style.

Bikram - Must be carried out in a room that is over 38C or higher. There are 26 postures that are carried out in a specific order.

Hatha - Very chilled out form of yoga which focuses on poses that flow from to another at a very easy pace.

Kundlini - Includes mantras, visualizations, guided relaxation and meditations.

Kripalu - A flowing and meditation orientated. There are 3 stages and the person will perform from stage one to stage three.

Sivananda - This type of yoga consists of a series of 12 poses

Viniyoga - This form helps to develop strength balance and healing. This is probably the most ideal form of yoga for elders, beginners and people with muscle injuries

Raja-yoga - This is aimed at people who are capable of intense concentration

Bhakti-yoga - Helps a person to gain focus on self surrender when in the face of the divine

Mantra-yoga - This is a meditation like yoga which focuses on the verbal repetition or can be mental to empowering sounds such as (om and ram)

The top five are the most commons forms of yoga. Remember if you do decide to try yoga out, take your time, do not push yourself to hard at first, enter into it with an open mind and find out what type of yoga suits you best.

Keyword Articles: http://www.keywordarticles.org